வெள்ளி, 29 ஜனவரி, 2010


How to get rid of Pimples?

A special skin care is essential to get rid of pimples. Use of sulphur soap is effective in keeping the oil glands clean. Grease can be removed by the use of lemon juice or camphor­spirit. Cleaning of day's make-up at night, before going to bed, is very important because make-up particles block the pores and prevent them from breathing freely. Steaming once a week keeps the pores open. Multani mud pack is an effective means to control pimples. Peeling­off pimples causes septic and leave permanent
marks. Marks, however, can be subdued to a great extent by applying cucumber juice and rose-water mixture. Pimples can be cured by daily intake of a spoonful of honey mixed with sulphur powder.
Do not neglect pimples. Be alert as soon as they start appearing. Some people tend to take them lightly because of the old belief that appearance of pimples signifies the approach of youth and they will vanish all by themselves with time. I do not agree with these views. Though it is a matter of common knowledge that pimples appear
during the transitional years of adolescence and youth due to over-activity of glands, their appearance should not be taken lightly because these may leave their permanent marks on your face, showing your carelessness and damaging your looks.


What is steaming?

Exposing your skin to warm, moist steam from recently boiled water, be it from a pot in your kitchen, an electric facial sauna, a sauna at the Gym or by application of a hot compress (a flannel soaked in hot water, rinsed out and placed on the treatment area such as the back and shoulders) will help to deep cleans your skin. The warmth in the steam will improve the blood circulation to the skin, resulting in detoxification of the skin by removal of any Toxins built up in the skin.

Steaming the face is the best way to thoroughly deep clean your pores, to get rid of pimples, blackheads and whiteheads. Steaming is very important to loosen debris that may be embedded into the skin. When steaming the face your wide the clogged pores and soften the skin in order to cleanse more easily the impurities, the traces of makeup, the dust, the sebaceous secretions as well as the dead skin cells. It is helpful for both acne and blackheads. Facial steaming is recommended to be done on a weekly basis as part of your beauty routine. Other benefits of steam on the skin is Softens and re hydrates outer layer of skin , Stimulates skin blood circulation and helps soften plugs in pores for easy removal. The steam will open the pores, loosen blackheads and bring spots to a head. Do not get too close to the boiling water, for if the steam is too hot, it might cause broken veins.

To make steaming more beneficial, add a tablespoon of herbs to the water. You can also try lavender, thyme and rosemary for a stimulating cleanse. These herbs smell delicious. Steam your face for about ten to twenty minutes. By steaming blackheads come out of the pores and it becomes easy to extract them. Lower your face over the pot which should cover the head and pot in a way that steam is directed towards your face. You should add peppermints, rose petals, mint petals in the water. Use a soft towel to dry your face. Steaming should be done once in a week. You can also apply a moisturizer and massage the face and neck and then steam your face. With the help of cotton gently wash your face.

The benefits of steaming your face are many. It opens your pores, removes dead skin cells, improves circulation and allows for a deep cleansing of your skin. It is helpful for both acne and blackheads. Facial steaming is recommended to be done on a weekly basis as part of your beauty routine.

It is normal after the first few times for a few blemishes to appear, this is due to the steam releasing the impurities in the skin.

However using too high of a temperature for either of the following methods can do more harm than good. Excessive steam can burn your skin so be careful and only do what is comfortable for you. If you have sensitive skin or any skin conditions it is best to discuss with your doctor prior to facial steaming.

The best time for applying facial mask is after steaming your face, because the pores are open and mask will be able to penetrate deeply into the skin. Steam and sauna bathing is one of the simplest and most comfortable ways to rid the body of accumulated toxins as perspiration helps eliminate waste products and accumulated toxins and a steam bath is a powerful perspiration inducer. Steam bathing is very dehydrating, so make sure you drink up.

Steaming can be taken by leaning over a large bowl of boiling water, by covering your head with a towel and making a tent around the bowl. The steam will open the pores, loosen blackheads and bring spots to a head. Do not get too close to the boiling water, for if the steam is too hot, it might cause broken veins. To make steaming more beneficial, add a tablespoon of herbs to the water. Elderflower and camomile are the old favorites for this. You can also try lavender, thyme and rosemary for a stimulating cleanse. These herbs smell delicious.

சனி, 14 நவம்பர், 2009

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Beautiful Face Washer Rose

These beautiful Rosebuds are formed with a soft face washer to make a delicate looking rose.
They make an ideal gift for either Mum or the newborn Bub as they do not necessarily
reflect a baby product making them an ideal gift for Xmas, Birthdays and Mothers Day.
They also make a wonderful Baby Shower Favour to give to guests to
take home as a lovely thank you gift.
Face Washer Roses come presented in cellophane and ribbon with a gift tag
attached enabling you to personalise them with your own message.
These beautiful Roses are a great affordable all round gift suitable
for all celebrations and will be sure to please the recipient.
Face Washer Roses are available in Pink, Blue, Green, Red and Yellow.

What causes acne?

No one factor causes acne. Acne happens when oil (sebaceous) glands come to life around puberty, stimulated by male hormones from the adrenal glands of both boys and girls. Sebum (oil) is a natural substance which lubricates and protects the skin, and under certain circumstances, cells that are close to the surface block the openings of sebaceous glands and cause a buildup of oil underneath. This oil stimulates bacteria (which live on everyone's skin and generally cause no problems) to multiply and cause surrounding tissues to become inflamed.

Inflammation near the skin's surface produces a pustule; deeper inflammation results in a papule (pimple); deeper still and it's a cyst. If the oil breaks though to the surface, the result is a "whitehead." If the oil accumulates melanin pigment or becomes oxidized, the oil changes from white to black, and the result is a "blackhead." Blackheads are therefore not dirt, and do not reflect poor hygiene.

Here are some factors that don't usually cause acne, at least by themselves:

  • Heredity: With the exception of very severe acne, most people do not have the problem exactly as their parents did. Almost everyone has some acne at some point in their life.

  • Food: Parents often tell teens to avoid pizza, chocolate, greasy and fried foods, and junk food. While these foods may not be good for overall health, they don't cause acne or make it worse. Although some recent studies have implicated milk and dairy products in aggravating acne, these findings are far from established.

  • Dirt: As mentioned above, "blackheads" are oxidized oil, not dirt. Sweat does not cause acne, therefore, it is not necessary to shower instantly after exercise for fear that sweat will clog pores. On the other hand, excessive washing can dry and irritate the skin.

  • Stress: Some people get so upset by their pimples that they pick at them and make them last longer. Stress, however, does not play much of a direct role in causing acne.

  • Hormones: Some women break out cyclically, but most women (and men) don't. Some oral contraceptive pills may help relieve acne, but unless a woman has abnormal menstrual periods and excessive hair growth, it's unlikely that hormones play much of a role in causing acne. Pregnancy has a variable effect on acne; some women report that they clear up completely, and others get worse, while many others see no overall change.

  • Cosmetics: Most cosmetic and skin-care products are not pore-clogging ("comedogenic"). Of the many available brands, those which are listed as "water-based" or "oil-free" are generally a better choice.

In occasional patients, the following may be contributing factors:

  • Pressure: In some patients, pressure from helmets, chinstraps, collars, suspenders, and the like can aggravate acne.

  • Drugs: Some medications may cause or worsen acne, such as those containing iodides, bromides, or oral or injected steroids (either the medically prescribed prednisone or the steroids that bodybuilders or athletes take). Other drugs that can cause or aggravate acne are anticonvulsant medications and lithium, which is used to treat bipolar disorder. Most cases of acne, however, are not drug-related.

  • Occupations: In some jobs, exposure to industrial products like cutting oils may produce acne.

1. Wash face 2-3 times daily.

2. Use a gentle, water-soluble cleanser and tepid water.

3. Apply a medicated cream, such as benzoyl peroxide, to potential problem areas.

4. Use non-comedogenic moisturizers and makeup.

5. Avoid overmoisturizing the skin. Use the lightest-weight moisturizer necessary.

6. Use a mud mask once a week to clean out pores.

7. Try a medicated refining mask that cleanses and corrects problem skin.

8. Wash makeup brushes and sponges frequently to minimize dirt and bacteria.

9. Athletic activities and exposure to greasy environments, such as fast-food establishments, contribute to acne.

10. Drink plenty of water to flush out impurities.

11. Keep hands and hair away from face.

And now try this honey bleamish treatment, that's really magical...

is great for drawing out impurities. It also contains a large amount of
potassium, giving it antibacterial properties. For serious cases, try a
complete facial mask of pure honey, rather than just a spot treatment.
Soak a cotton ball in warm salt water; press on the blemish for three minutes to help dissolve the top.
Dab a bit of honey on the affected area to deep-clean the pore and draw out any bacteria. Let sit for ten to 15 minutes.
Clean the face with normal cleanser; then rinse the skin well with warm water, then cool water.
Pat the skin dry.

Prevention is always better than cure. The same thing can be said when
it comes to acne & pimples. Being one of the most common skin
disorders all over the world, it would be very wise to know the
different methods on acne &pimples prevention that you can try

your hair away from your face as much as possible. Hair can contain a
lot of oil, and this is something people with bangs learn the hard way.
Thus, make sure to keep your hair off your face as much as possible.

exercise promotes healthier blood flow all throughout your whole body.
With healthy blood flow, toxins would be effectively removed from your
body. With toxins flushed out, there would be fewer risks of acne &
pimple breakouts happening any time soon for you.

-You should also increase your intake of water and fresh fruit juices.

it is better to stay away from lotions that are alcohol-based because
they can only make your skin dry, causing more breakouts in the


Take vitamen E tablets, 1 a day, and do not wash your face with soap,
instead cleanse it with cleansing cream and put on moisturiser, do this
every morning and you will never have pimples. Put toothpaste on your
pimple before you go to bed, should help reduce swelling overnight.
Make sure it is the paste not the gel. One of the most popular acne
home remedies.
Wash your face twice a day in warm salty water. This should leave your face oil free without aggravating the acne.
a paste of fresh methi (fenugreek) leaves over the face every night for
10-15 minutes and washed with warm water. This will prevent acne,
pimples, blackheads, and wrinkles.